States Logistics

States Logistics

States Logistics SEALY SPEC UNION HILLS OFFICE PARK States Logistics Although the original design was efficient, through our budgeting service we offered Value Engineering of approx. $95,000 based on the original design. We worked with the structural engineer to...
Union Hills Office Park

Union Hills Office Park

Union Hills Office Park STATES LOGISTICS ARIZONA GAME & FISH HEADQUARTERS Union Hills Office Park This multi-story office building was design and built on a fast-track schedule. Detailing and shop drawings had to be complete when the building permit was ready. We...
Arizona Game & Fish Headquarters

Arizona Game & Fish Headquarters

Arizona Game & Fish Headquarters UNION HILLS OFFICE PARK FIGHTER COMBAT INTERNATIONAL Arizona Game & Fish Headquarters We provided budgeting services at the conceptual phase. Although the most economical system was not chosen by the owner, we were able to...
Fighter Combat International

Fighter Combat International

Fighter Combat International ARIZONA GAME & FISH HEADQUARTERS HOME DEPOT Fighter Combat International The architect desired a “wing” cross section for the roof structure. We worked with the joist manufacturer to provide a solution consisting of hanger...
AvAir Headquarters

AvAir Headquarters

AvAir Headquarters HOME DEPOT CENTRICA AvAir Headquarters The architectural design called for an exposed structure in the two-story office element with a barrel roof. We priced six options to find the most economical and visually appealing solution which consisted of...